Friday, October 19, 2007

Choose Your Candidate

The 2008 presidential election seems closer than it actually is. Candidacy has already been announced for the presidential election and we have over a year before we get to vote. With all of the candidates already competing, it may be difficult to “sort out” all of the messages that each candidate is giving. A fun quiz to take to see what candidate suits you best can be found on It consists of eleven questions, each question also have a part that asks you how important the given issue is. At the beginning of the quiz, it asks for some background information such as age and your zip code “Basic Demographics”. The quiz only takes a few minutes to complete and the questions are fairly narrow and pertinent to the issues of today. I was a little surprised by the outcome.
The quiz gives you the list of candidates that suit you from best to worst. The candidates that it gave me that suited me from best to worst went from Republican to Democratic candidates. My number one match was John McCain. I agreed with him on every issue except marriage, where I favored an amendment that would define marriage between a man and a woman. Here is the list of candidates that followed in order from which ones suited me from best to worst: John McCain, Duncan Hunter, Fred Thompson, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback, Mit Romney, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Chris Dod, and Mike Gravel. As you can see, the list is comprehensive and although my listing of every candidate that fit me may seem superfluous, it is to demonstrate that this quiz can be very useful.
I am a Republican and knew that I was going to have a Republican candidate that fit me best. But, I did not expect it to be John McCain. I was thinking more along the lines of Mit Romney, or Fred Thompson as my number one. For certain candidates, I thought that I would agree with them on many issues, but I was very wrong. I disagreed with Mit Romney on Stem Cell research, abortion, social security and many others, but I thought we would have more in common. Not only did this quiz give me an idea of who suits me, but it also let me know that I need to do more research. I highly recommend if you want a better idea of who you should vote for (though you should not use this as your final decision maker) that you take this quiz, and if you are unsure about a question that you find information about the given topic.

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